NATO: Expectations for the Warsaw Summit

The 27th NATO Summit will take place in Warsaw, Poland, 8-9 July 2016. NATO summit meetings provideperiodic opportunities for Heads of State and Government of member countries to evaluate and provide strategic direction for Alliance activities.

In this public seminar representatives from NATO HQ, partner and allied governments, as well as academia, will discuss current European and international security policy issues on the agenda for the Summit.

The seminar is jointly organised by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Canberra as Contact Point Embassy for NATO in Australia, the Embassy of Poland in Canberra as host country for the NATO Warsaw Summit andthe ANU Centre for European Studies.

Please register for the free event here


Professor Jacqueline Lo, Associate Dean (International), ANU CASS Director, ANU Centre for European Studies.



H.E. Ambassador of Poland, Pawel Milewski

H.E. Ambassador of Norway, Unni Kløvstad

Peter Baxter, Deputy Secretary, Strategic Policy and Intelligence, Department of Defence.

Lisa Picheny, Political Officer, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO HQ.

Lt.Col. Joanna Brain, Section Chief West, Military Cooperation Branch, Cooperative Security Division, International Military Staff, NATO HQ.

Dr Stephan Fruehling, Associate Professor, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Deputy Director (Education), Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU CAP.


Date and Times


ANU Centre for European Studies (67c), Liversidge Street, ANU

